Breast surgery

When a woman comes for a breast surgery consultation, it is due to dissatisfaction with the appearance of her breasts. This embarrassment can cause physical or psychological distress in her social and intimate life.

Breast surgery procedures:

What are the indications for breast surgery?

Some women may be embarrassed by their naturally underdeveloped breasts (called hypertrophy of the breast) or where the breast volume has decreased after weight loss, pregnancy or lactation. This lack of breast volume can result in a feeling of loss of femininity and sometimes causes a considerable amount of inner turmoil.

Other women complain about their breasts being too large (breast hypertrophy), which often causes back pain and an unbalanced body shape.

In addition, over the course of one’s life, different environmental, hormonal and skin factors can be responsible for altering the shape of breasts that have begun to sag. This breast ptosis is very difficult for women who would like to regain the breasts they had in their youth.

Moreover, during puberty, some young women develop breast anomalies when they fail to develop normally and fully, resulting in tuberous breasts (tuber-shaped).

In these cases, cosmetic and breast reconstruction surgery can be of great help to those women who have hang-ups about their breasts and wish to re-establish a feeling of total femininity, which is essential for their self-esteem and for the fulfilment of their personal and social life.

Breast augmentation with implants

Breast augmentation with implants is an operation to increase breast size. The patient will have a choice of several types and sizes of implants that can be positioned in front or behind the pectoral muscle, depending on the anatomical positioning of each.

The placement of implants can be done in different ways. On the one hand, I can advise you in order to help you choose the type and size of implants that will be right for your body. On the other hand, a 3D simulation carried out during the consultation will allow you to visualize the desired outcome with the implants you have chosen.

Learn more about breast augmentation

Breast lipofilling

Lipofilling or lipostructure is a procedure whereby breast size can be augmented by an injection of fat. Not all women are suitable for this technique because the body must have a sufficient fat reserve to undergo the procedure. The fat is taken from different areas of your body, then centrifuged and re-injected into your chest. However, only moderate increases in breast size are possible with lipofilling.

Learn more about breast lipofilling

Breast lifts

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that makes it possible to rejuvenate the breasts. It lifts up your breasts and reshapes them to give you a prettier, more attractive figure.

Learn more about breast lift

Breast reduction

Breast reduction helps to correct breast hypertrophy. The procedure consists of removing excess breast tissue and lifting up the breasts, which are often drooping due to their own weight. As a result, the benefits of this operation are twofold: a functional benefit due to the disappearance of back pain and an aesthetic benefit in relation to improving the shape of your breasts.

Learn more about breast reduction

Breast reconstruction

The surgical treatment of breast cancer is a particularly difficult ordeal for women, as their sense of their own femininity can be destroyed when sometimes the breast is completely removed.

Breast reconstruction after a total mastectomy consists of reconstructing the breast, areola and nipple and matching the symmetry of the healthy breast with the reconstructed breast. This procedure is performed either immediately upon removal of the breast or deferred after medical treatment has been completed. Several breast reconstruction techniques are possible and we can discuss them during the initial consultation.

Learn more about breast reconstruction

Tuberous breasts

There are three different types of tuberous breast surgery to be considered depending on the patient’s initial breast size:

Body lift reshaping surgery (breast lift) for normal sized breasts.
Breast reduction in cases of breast hypertrophy.

Breast augmentation (by prosthesis or lipofilling) in cases of breast hypotrophy, often associated with body lift surgery.

Learn more about tuberous breasts

Gynaecomastia cure

Gynaecomastia refers to the procedure that reduces breast size in men. This consists of performing liposuction on the area and removing any excess glandular tissue (reduction of the mammary gland).

Learn more about gynaecomastia

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