Body lifts

Body shape surgery

After significant weight loss following a diet or bariatric surgery, significant sagging of the skin can be observed, especially on the trunk, where this excess skin can feel uncomfortable.

Thus, the body lift, also called circular belt lipectomy, aims to remove excess fat and skin in the middle third of the body (stomach, hips, back and buttocks). I did my thesis on body lifting with Dr Jean-François Pascal, who is considered one of the world leaders in body lifting.

Types of body lift surgery

Body lift indications

Body lift is indicated for people who have undergone bariatric surgery or a diet resulting in significant weight loss. I also advise patients to maintain a stable and ideal weight for at least 6 months.

Similarly, to avoid any risk of complications, I recommend that they stop smoking one month before and after the procedure. To reduce the risk of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism, I also recommend stopping oral contraception one month before undergoing a body lift.

Finally, I recommend stopping all blood thinning drugs, such as anticoagulants, aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory drugs, 10 days before and after the procedure.

The different types of body lifts

Before an operation, I see the patient for a consultation to understand his or her expectations and motivations, but also his or her background. I then examine where the bulges are and the overall body shape. This enables me to offer the most suitable surgical techniques for his or her needs.

Upper body lift

This operation makes it possible to treat excess skin and fat on the upper back and sides above the waist. It also enables me to remove sub-mammary bulges, which are present in the abdominal area.

Before the operation, I carry out some preoperative drawings. Then, under general anaesthesia, I remove the excess skin and fat on the upper body. The skin is then retightened.

I use absorbable subcutaneous sutures to close the wounds and make a dressing that will shape the back at the end of the procedure.

Learn more about upper body lift surgery

Lower body lift

This procedure is used to treat excess skin and fat on the lower part of the waist. This remaining excess of skin after fat loss can lead to a loss of self-confidence due to the altered appearance of the body shape.

During this operation, I first of all perform liposuction on the hips and saddlebags to redefine the contour of the buttocks. Then, I perform a buttock lift to sculpt and reshape them. Furthermore, I perform an umbilical transposition during abdominoplasty. This will enable me to remove the lower abdominal apron, tighten the skin on the stomach and transpose the umbilicus.

This operation will leave two scars, one around the umbilicus and another circular and low one. Lastly, I will put a dressing on the abdomen and buttocks that will help to shape the treated areas.

Learn more about the lower body lift

Lateral body lift

The lateral body lift is appropriate for the treatment of sagging on the lower part of the body. It can realign the body shape. This procedure is not well known in France, but it can provide a highly effective treatment for patients where there is a relatively significant disproportion between the upper and lower body.

Dr Jean-François Pascal, one of my teachers during my training, helped to modernize this technique.

Once the preoperative drawings have been completed, I then begin the operation with liposuction and remove the excess skin and fat on the external surface of the thigh. This operation will leave a scar hidden in the saddlebags and another vertical scar on the external surface of the thigh.

At the end of the operation, I apply a shaping dressing to the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

Learn more about the lateral body lift

The final results from the different body lifts will be visible 3 to 6 months after the operation. There is a high degree of satisfaction among patients who have undergone this procedure, and consistent, long-lasting results.

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