My qualifications
In order to offer the latest techniques to my patients, I trained within prestigious services and regularly participate in national and international congress in order to shape my expertise with other colleagues.
Academic qualifications
- Qualified Specialist Surgeon in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.
- Former Attached Practioner Surgeon, Department of Plastic Surgery, Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris.
- Former Chief of Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris VII.
- Former Chief of Clinic – Assistant to Hospitals of Paris, Department of Plastic Surgery, Saint-Louis Hospital.
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Paris VII.
- Former Hospital Intern in Surgery.
- European Degree in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (Fellow of European Board of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
- Degree in Complementary Specialized Studies (DESC) in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
- Degree from the French College of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
- Specialized Studies Degree (DES) in General Surgery.
- State-Certified Doctor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Nancy (Summa Cum Laude Distinction).
- Inter-University Degree (DIU) in Anatomy Applied to Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Paris V.
- Inter-University Degree (DIU) in Anatomy applied to Cervico-Facial Surgery, Faculty de Medicine, Paris V.
- Inter-University Degree (DIU) in Microsurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Nancy.
- Master’s Degree in Medical and Biological Sciences (MSBM), in Ethics, Deontology and Medical Liability, Faculty of Medicine, Paris V (Summa Cum Laude).
Continuing education
I have been participating in various national and international conferences for several years.
This requirement for continuing education enables me to develop my practices and to suggest the cutting-edge techniques to my patients with a maximum of safety.
Year 2019 :
- 3rd Buttock Surgery Course (Paris)
Year 2018 :
- 3rd SOFCEP Congress (Lyon)
- 24th Congress of ISAPS (Miami)
Year 2017 :
- Advanced Course relating to the Facial Rejuvenation (Dr. Le Louarn, Paris)
- Butthock plastic surgery course (Dr Abs, Dr Aboud, Dr Pascal, Paris)
- 30th SOFCEP Congress (Marseille)
- Body Lift Course (Dr Pascal, Genève)
- The Cutting Edge : 37th Annual Aesthetic Surgery Symposium (New York)
Year 2016 :
- 6th Course relating to the Silhouette Surgery and Body Lifts (Dr. Pascal, Lyon)
- 29th SOFCEP Congress (Bordeaux)
Year 2015 :
- The Cutting Edge : 35th Annual Aesthetic Surgery Symposium (New York)
- 2th Course relating to the Silhouette Surgery (Dr. Pascal, Lyon)
- 60th SOFCPRE National Congress (Montrouge)
Year 2014 :
- 23rd European Course on Plastic Surgery (Helsinki)
- BRAVA Day (Dr. Khouri, Paris)
Year 2013 :
- 58th SOFCPRE National Congress (Paris)
- Bodylift Workshop (Paris)
Year 2012 :
- QMP Aesthetic Surgery Symposium (Chicago)
- QMP Body Contouring after Massive Weight Loss (Anaheim, California)
- Young Plastic Surgeons Day (Paris)
Year 2011 :
- 47th SFSCMF Congress (Versailles)
- QMP Aesthetic Surgery Symposium (Chicago)
- 56th SOFCPRE National Congress (Paris)
- Young Plastic Surgeons Day (Paris)
- CEPLASEST (Saint Avold)
Year 2010 :
- Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, AMWC 8th Edition (Monte-Carlo)
- 55th SOFCPRE National Congress (Paris)
Oral communications in congress
- Cone Beam Interest in orbital traumatology. Petit A, Simon E, Pujo J. 47th SFSCMF Congress. Versailles 2011.
- Breast reconstruction on breast burn sequelae by thoracodorsal artery perforator flap: with regard to a case. Petit A, Gisquet H, Colson T, Chassagne JF, Simon E. Young Plastic Surgeons Congress. Paris 2012.
- Persistent trochanterian recess complicating the body lift technique with lateral suspensions: a simple and original method of treatment. Gianfermi M, Qassemyar Q, Dast S, Sinna R, Petit A. Young Plastic Surgeons Congress. Paris 2013.
- The upper body lift. Petit A, Pascal JF. 58th SOFCPRE National Congress. Paris 2013.
- The lateral body lift. Pascal JF, Le Louarn C, Petit A. 60th SOFCPRE National Congress. Montrouge 2015.
Scientific works
- Enjeu éthique d’une information aux patients dialysés sur la gestion de la liste d’attente. Mémoire de Maîtrise d’Ethique, Déontologie et Responsabilité Médicale (2004).
- Ethical issue relating to information about the waiting list management to dialysis patients. Master’s Degree thesis in Ethics, Deontology and Medical Liability (2004).
- The vascularized iliac-crest flap. Inter-university Degree thesis in Microsurgery (2009).
- The upper body lift. Doctoral Thesis (2013).
- Reconstruction of transfixing loss of substance from the wing of the nose by composite graft of the controlateral nostril: with regard to three cases. A.Petit, D.Boccara, M. Chaouat, M.Mimoun. Annals of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2014).
- Upper Body Lift. JF. Pascal, A. Petit, C. Le Louarn. Realities in Plastic Surgery (2014).
- European Board: my experience. A. Petit. Realities in Plastic Surgery (2015).